Wed, Jun 07, 23.

Is the List in Mark 16:16 Exhaustive?

No. It cannot be an exhaustive list because of the following:

  1. The fact that they can all speak in tongues, and that this will in fact be “all tongues”, since we are to be one, [Joh 17:22] and speaking languages other do not understand makes us strangers [1Cor 14:10-11], then we know that we will also understand, and not just speak those languages
  2. We will certainly understand all human languages since the Church is coming from all tribes and languages and peoples and nations [Rev 5:9], we will have to understand the language being spoken by one another
  3. Isaiah speaks of other powers such as:
    1. Supernatural strength, speed, and stamina [Isa 40:29-31; 1Kgs 18:46]
    2. Flight [Isa 40:31]
    3. We will not drown in water or be burned by fire [Isa 43:2; Rev 20:14,6; Dan 3:25-27].
  4. We will have power over the elements, which means we will be able to do miracles in general [Gal 4:3]